How to Soothe Your Skin when you Suffer a Sunburn


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Sunburn is simply a burn on the skin caused by excess exposure to the sun’s rays and most times our face can get the major hit. Most of us enjoy relaxing on the beach on a hot day, but it’s important to take care in the sun to avoid having your skin suffer a burn.

You will agree that it feels like the sun is coming closer to the earth as the weather is getting hotter each passing day! A lot of people are out looking for advice on how to soothe sunburn or products that can help them with it; as we have to be outside most time in the sun. If you are one of them, this post is for you. There are simple home remedies for easing sunburn and I will note the important down in this post and also give out advice on how to prevent sunburn, especially in this season.

mild sunburned face

Causes of Sunburn

Getting sunburn can be easy for some people’s skin and almost impossible for others. You just have to know what causes it so you know how to protect yourself.

Sunburn is caused by overexposure to ultraviolet (UV) light, which can damage the skin. UV radiation can actually damage molecules in the skin, leading to the body drawing more blood to the surface of the skin to help with the healing process. As a result, sunburned skin can appear red and swollen, and feel hot, itchy and sore.

This damage results in an increased loss of moisture through the skin surface leading to dry, sunburned skin which can even peel off after a few days. However, if your signs of sunburn are severe, or you have burned a large proportion of your skin, you should consult your doctor for help.

Signs that show you have a sunburn and how to relieve them:

When you’ve got a minor sunburn you can expect to experience some or all of the following signs mentioned below. We have put together some workable ideas on things you can try to help relieve the symptoms of sunburn:
NB: Remember to always consult a doctor when there is severe sunburn!

1. Skin Redness:

When your skin gets burned it becomes inflamed and appears red. While at home, try using cold compresses to cool burned skin as this can help reduce inflammation and minimize the skin redness.

2. Skin Dryness:

When the skin is sunburned, it tends to lose moisture; however, keeping the skin moisturized helps you to maintain a smoother looking skin during the healing process when skin can appear flaky. For a mild burn that leaves the skin dry, apply a gentle moisturizer to your skin, such as Vaseline Jelly to hydrate, soothe, and lock in moisture. Vaseline Jelly is used to heal dry skin and protect against minor sunburns as it creates a barrier that seals in moisture and helps keep out any impurities that could cause further irritation.

3. Sunburn Itch:

If your sunburned skin starts to peel, it can become very itchy due to the associated dryness. However, you must try to avoid picking or scratching your skin as it peels. This can be hard, but scratching could make it worse. A soothing moisturizer, like Vaseline Jelly, may help soothe the skin. Also, applying a cold compress to the affected area or taking a cool bath may also help provide sunburn itch relief. If you do take a cold bath, remember to gently dry off and moisturize to help lock in moisture.

How can I soothe my skin when I suffer a sunburn?

This question is becoming very common among outdoor lovers especially those who love to go sit/stay somewhere in the open and enjoy a nice time. Have it in mind that whenever you get a sunburn, small blisters might form as the skin tries to heal itself and protect the affected area. This is an important part of the healing process, so it’s essential to care for your skin appropriately at this time.
I have gathered some useful information that can help you with how to care for and soothe minor sunburned skin:

For Immediate Sunburn Relief:

It is important to take care of your sunburned skin quickly. If you notice you have got your skin sunburned, some actions that may soothe your sunburn and protect your skin until you get home include:
• Staying out of the sun by going under a shed or covering yourself up.
• Taking care not to touch the sunburned area on your face or body; don’t pick or pop the blisters if there’s any.
• Always have a bottle of water in hand because when you’ve been out in the hot sun all day you’re more likely to get dehydrated.
• Since it may not always be possible to stay inside just after you’ve been sunburned, be sure to reapply your sunscreen to prevent further damage.


For Home Relief:

When you get home after suffering a sunburn, some actions that may soothe your sunburn and help your skin heal include:

  • Drink lots of water.
  • Place a cold, damp compress on the sunburned area to take some of the heat out of your skin.
  • Apply moisturizers with aloe like this Burt’s Bees Aloe and Coconut Oil Sunburn Relief Lotionor this Lofoson Organic Aloe Vera Sunburn Soothing Gel on the burn. They are both great when it comes to relieving sunburns as they contain natural ingredients and can replenish/re-condition skin after sun exposure and also hydrate and retain the skin’s natural moisture.
  • Vinegar also works great for sunburn relief. In a container, add White Distilled vinegar or Apple Cider Vinegar and water and mix. Soak a cloth or towel in the solution and apply it to the affected area to relieve the sunburn pain.
  • If you can, take a pill of ibuprofen (i.e Advil) to reduce swelling and significant discomfort.

How can I prevent sunburn when I am out?

It’s normal to expect this question as you already know how to relieve sunburn; it can also be a good idea to understand how to prevent your skin from burning in the future. Check out some ways to prevent the skin from getting sunburned:

  1. Try to stay out of the sun when the rays are the strongest as it is between 10 am – 4 pm.
  2. Always wear a wide-brimmed hat whenever you are stepping outside. A sunglass can also come in handy.
  3. Apply sunscreen of SPF 30 or more and always remember to reapply sunscreen regularly if you are in the sun for long periods of time.
  4. Cover up your skin with breathable fabrics so you stay cool and protected at the same time. High-UPF (ultraviolet protection factor) clothing are specifically designed to be more sun-protective than our everyday clothing, and it’s still cool and lightweight.
  5. When lounging outside your home never forget to stay under a covering. A little shed, canopy, a patio umbrella or any good outdoor covering can always come in very handy when it comes to protecting you from UV rays.

In all, the best ways to keep your skin looking healthy and beautiful all year round is taking care while out in the sun and regular moisturization after being in the sun.
So, we will really like to know your thoughts about sunburn and maybe share your experience and what may have worked for you…or not.




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19 thoughts on “How to Soothe Your Skin when you Suffer a Sunburn”

    • Hmmm.. I can imagine what that is like. Just ensure you take extra care and understand how to prevent or soothe anymore sunburn.

      Thanks for visiting.

    • Jeez. And here we are wishing for colder weather as the sun is tearing down on us! hehe. Do take care of your skin when it finally gets warmer over there too.

      Thanks for visiting.

  1. Jeez. The sun these days is really not smiling on us.
    I must say these tips came at the right time and will definitely come in handy! Thanks 😘


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